Schick/Gremaud/Pavillon (Bern, Lausanne)
30 Minutes
Language various lanugages (with German surtitles)
Duration 30 minutes with after-show talk and premiere party
30 Minutes is the 7th performance of a concept based art work called X Minutes. AUAWIRLEBEN bought the piece during an auction at the Contemporary Theatre Days in Brig 2015 for the amount of 2’500 CHF. Hence, AUA became not only owner of a unique piece – as each time X Minutes is performed, 5 more minutes are created on site in the local language(s), but also protag- onist: every coproducer dedicates an object that further participates the performance.
While Schick/Gremaud/Pavillon play with the process of selling and programming, urging programmers to take a risk and to put value into the unknown, the project itself underlines and puts into question neoliberal logics: “more is more”, “the earlier you buy, the cheaper it is” etc.
By and with François Gremaud, Viviane Pavillon, Martin Schick Production Management Michaël Monney
Production ingoodcompany Coproduction Théâtre Paul Eluard Choisy-le-roi, Spring Performing Arts Festival Utrecht, Blitz Festival Rovinj, Festival Le Carré-Les Colonnies Bordeaux, Théâtre du Vidy Lausanne, Kiasma Helsinki, AUAWIRLEBEN