Lond Malmborg (Tallinn/Malmö)
99 Words for Void
Language English
Duration 1h 35min
Our fundamental values are under threat! In this performance we meet two knights who are sent out to defend them, while their dilemma is that they are not sure of what these values are. Lond Malmborg create a cosy-claustrophobic world where the hope for a utopia ahead has been erased and substituted with wishes for an immediate utopian experience, for instance a cup of perfectly brewed coffee.
By and with Maike Lond Malmborg, Iggy Lond Malmborg Dramaturgy Johan Jönson Technical direction Kalle Tikas Technical Assistence Taavet Jansen, Revo Koplus Production Manager Eneli Järs Assistance Mairika Plakso
Coproduction Kanuti Gildi SAAL Tallinn, Baltoscandal Festival Rakvere, Dublin Theatre Festival, Théâtre national de Bordeaux en Aquitaine, Teaterhuset Avant Garden Trondheim, NXTSTP (mit der Unterstützung vom Culture Programme of the European Union)
Round Table with Iggy & Maike
Friday, 20.05. | 22:15