An occasion hosted by Isabel Lewis
Language Englisch (Show on the 16.05. with translation into sign language)
Duration 2–3 hours, the visitors can enter and leave the room as they like
«I’m basing my newest ‹occasions›, as I call them, on the format of the Greek symposium or drinking party. It’s one of the only formats in history that blends the bodily with the intellectual, and celebration, and even debate.»
Isabel Lewis’s Occasions are events situated between performance, philosophical salon and party that she has organised in various cities since 2013. As artistically designed environments, in which text, music, dance, plants, food and smells concur, the Occasions are influenced by the location in which they take place. They represent an invitation to the audience to participate in a sensory, intellectually stimulating experience in a hospitable atmosphere.
By & with Isabel Lewis Oudours Sissel Tolaas Appetizer Martin Schöni
Entrance at the Festival centre