Maxim Gorki Theater (Berlin)
Und dann kam Mirna
Language German with English and German supertitles for hearing impaired
Duration 1h 10min
The sequel of «Es sagt mir nichts, das sogenannte Draussen» which was shown at AUA in 2014 is a sharp commentary addressing women’s social roles and 21st century relationship concepts, as well as the failure to live up to their own expectations. The previous piece’s rebellious young women have grown older, had children and endured break-ups. But, buried deep in their chatter, remains the hazy yearning for a new beginning that will never come.
With Aydanur Gürkan, Suna Gürler, Rahel Jankowski, Cynthia Micas, Fée Mühlemann, Zoé Rügen, Çiğdem Teke, Annika Weitzendorf Director Sebastian Nübling Choreography Tabea Martin Stage Magda Willi, Moïra Gilliéron Costume Ursula Leuenberger Dramaturgy Katja Hagedorn