Cie. Sündenbock (Zurich)

Do you know Schubiduwuah?

  • Die zwei Farben Orange und Grau
  • Gemeinsam sind sie stark

Language broken English
Duration 30min

Imagine two veiled women sitting on your sofa introducing themselves as your new neighbours. In an incomprehensible language, they talk about themselves, show pictures of their families and try to break the ice. In their witty and absurd theatre performance, Fiamma Camesi and Malika Khatir present themselves as a sort of living sculpture for projection and association. And while you try to pin down what is happening on stage, you inevitably catch yourself relying on your presumptions. 

Concept Fiamma Camesi Development and Performance Malika Khatir, Fiamma Camesi Production and Administration Cristina Achermann Light Edouard Hügli and Pablo Weber

Coproduction Gastspiele Zürichberg 


Tojo Theater Reitschule Saturday, 13.05. | 20:00Tickets: 17.-/25.-/34.-
  • Rollstuhlgängig
Tojo Theater Reitschule Sunday, 14.05. | 19:00Tickets: 17.-/25.-/34.-
  • Rollstuhlgängig