Do you want to know more about the piece or about the artists and their working process? Do you have a very urgent question or do you simply want to know what’s going to happen next? Come to the venue half an hour befor the show and Simona Travaglianti will tell you all about it.
There will be introductions for the following pieces:
FRI 12.05 | 20:30 Don’t we deserve grand human projects that give us meaning?
SAT 13.05 | 20:15 These Are my Principles… if you don’t like them I have others
MON 15.05 | 19:30 Hello useless – for W and friends
THU 18.05. | 19:30 Hamlet
FRI 19.05. | 18:30 50 Grades of Shame
FRI 19.05 | 20:30 Gott
SUN 21.05. | 16:30 Hamlet