Lab for professionals from the fields of theatre and dance
How do you do? #3
For the third time we are hosting the Lab How do you do? during 10 days for professionals from the fields of theatre and dance. This year we have a new mode: Instead of choosing all the participants ourselves, we invited artists from Switzerland and let them nominate other professionals from the fields of dance and theatre, who they would like to discuss and reflect with.
During the festival the participants will watch all the productions of the festival together, meet international artists from the festival programme and experts from different areas of the performing arts. The third edition of the lab puts one of our most important partners in the spotlight: «Our Audience». Theatre needs spectators, be it to constitute the performance situation in the moment, to fill the empty seats or simply to have a counterpart who reflects on what he/she has seen. But time and again the question arises: Who is our audience? Who isn’t? And why? How do we really handle our audience – is it actually the market that determines the demand or is it the other way around? Are we actually as autonomous in our artistic decisions as we would like to be? The participants will be discussing those questions and many more.
This years participants of the Lab How do you do? #3 are: Dennis Schwabenland, Emma Murray, Lucie Eidenbenz, Marcel Schwald, Diana Rojas, Susanne Abelein, Leja Jurisic and Claire Dessimoz.