Sign Language Crash Course

  • Menschen üben Gebärdensprache mit einem Tablet

Duration: 1h

At AUAWIRLEBEN you often meet Sign Language, be it at the Bilingue Slam, in a performance translated into Sign Language, or if your being served by one of our deaf volunteers at the bar of the Festival Centre. Did that arouse your curiosity? We’ve got just the thing for you!

In our Sign Language Crash Course you can learn some basics of Swiss German Sign Language (DSGS). You learn the basic characteristics of this language and practice some simple sentences. Afterwards you’ll be able to communicate in the Deaf Community on a tourist level.

The course is taught by Cornelia Knuchel, qualified Sign Language teacher and adult educator (and former AUA team member).

Festival Centre at kulturpunkt at PROGR & backyard Thursday, 24.05. | 18:30

free entry
no reservation necessary