Martin Schick & Yan Duyvendak (Fribourg/Geneva)
Language German with translation into sign language
Duration 40min
While the content of this performance is a collection of solutions (of various kinds), the concept of this project proposes and performs a solution itself: The artists do not have to travel around, serving for a better ecological footprint! Solutions invites a constantly growing alliance of international performing artists, scientists and others to collectively write an online performance script. Each of them performs its current version in his/her local environment only.
Concept Martin Schick, Yan Duyvendak Text Martin Schick,Yan Duyvendak, N. N. Performance Martin Schick Management Marine Magnin Production/Communication Charlotte Terrapon
Production Dreams Come True Genf
Supports Pro Helvetia, Etat et République de Genève, Ville de Genève, Loterie Romande, Fondation Leenaards, Fondation Suisse des Artistes Interprètes - SIS