Simon Senn (Genf)
Be Arielle F.
Language French and English with German and English surtitles
Duration 1h
With open discussion on the 17.05.
Simon Senn buys a digital replica of a female body that he animates, modifies and mixes with his own body using VR technologies. He decides to get in touch with the person who sold her digital body data to some online agency. These interviews and research around this context lead to a lecture performance that questions the links between technology, representation, and the legal framework that surrounds new technologies. He confronts the virtual and the real without considering the two states as antagonistic.
Concept & Direction Simon Senn With Simon Senn, Arielle F. and a virtual body
Production Compagnie Simon Senn Co-productionThéâtre Vidy-Lausanne, Le Grütli Centre de production et de diffusion des Arts vivants, Théâtre du Loup
Conversation about «Be Arielle F.»
Sunday, 17.05. | 20:30 | Festival Centre at PROGR courtyard