France Distraction (Lille)
Intervention «Les Thermes»
Language German
Duration individual
«Les Thermes» are a pool made out of wood, filled with 25’000 black plastic balls. The balls are inscribed with fragments from stoic philosophy. The audience has to dive in to read the aphorisms and has to swim to get a good idea of the content. The pool can be visited in free bath mode or for short lectures on stoicism by various guest speakers.
Opening hours (free bathing):
FR 8.5. | 21:30–00:00
SA 9.5. | 15:00–00:00
SO 10.5. | 15:00–23:00
MO 11.5.–FR 15.5. | 18:00–23:00
SA 16.5.–SO 17.5. | 15:00–23:00
MO 18.5.–MI 20.5. | 18:00–23:00
DO 21.5. | 15:00–21:30
SA 9.5. | 18:00 | with Halory Goerger
MO 11.5. | 18:30
MI 13.5. | 18:30
FR 15.5. | 18:00 | with translation into sign language
SO 17.5. | 18:00
DI 19.5. | 19:00
Conception Belinda Annaloro, Antoine Defoort, Julien Fournet, Halory Goerger, Sébastien Vial Direction Emilie Godreuil Production Manager Marine Thévenet
Production l’Amicale Co-production LE CENTQUATRE, Le Vivat, Beursschouwburg, BudaKunstenCentrum, Réseau APAP, Le Musée de la Danse / CCN de Rennes et de Bretagne, L’Entorse, La Malterie