Kristina Norman (Tallinn)
Lighter Than Woman
Language Englisch
Duration 1h 30min
With open discussion on the 18.05.
Kristina Norman looks at Ukrainian migrant labourers who live in Italy and who have become caregivers for Italian elders. The piece takes a closer look at what role work plays in the happiness of human life and how blurry the lines between right and wrong can be in this respect.
By and with Kristina Norman Damaturgy Laur Kaunissaare Camera, live execution Erik Norkroos Photos Erik Norkroos, Epp Kubu Choreographic advice Joanna Kalm, Karolin Poska Music Jekabs Nimanis Light Oliver Kulpsoo With the participation of Isadora Angelini, Ivana Abbondanza, Halina Fomiceva, Liubov Sandulovych, Nataliya Sandu, Victoria Bilivska, Mariia Filonenko, Mayya Romashchenko, Rina Pancaldi Thank You Piersandra Di Matteo, Cosetta Nicolini, Maria Rita Palumbo, Anna Tomesani, Mariya Fedoryshyn, Meelika Ebrok, Meelis Muhu Translations Maarja Kangro, Tom Karik, Pearu Helenurm
With the support of Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Ministry of Culture of Estonia
Co-production Kanuti Gildi SAAL, Santarcangelo Festival, New Theatre Institute of Latvia, Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione/Atlas of Transitions Biennale Inserted into the project Create to Connect - Create to Impact co-financed by the program Creative Europe of the European Union
Used video exerpt “Where do astronauts sleep?” European Space Agency, ESA 08.06.2015; “SkyLab Circular Track” 03.03.2010; NASA; -“Astronauta Samantha Cristoforetti –Missione Futura 42 su ISS” Canale25 24.11.2014; “Samantha Cristoforetti tours the ISS for the last time (11.06.2015)” Astro Enzo 11.06.2016
Conversation about «Lighter Than Woman»
Monday, 18.05. | 21:45 | Festival Centre at PROGR courtyard