fABULEUS & GRIP / Jan Martens (Gent / Antwerpen)
Passing The Bechdel Test
Language Dutch and English with German and English surtitles
Duration 1h 50min
With open discussion on the 10.05.
In «Passing The Bechdel Test», choreographer Jan Martens opts for language in a radical manner. Because free speech is one of the few instruments left to liberate ourselves (paraphrasing Rachida Lamrabet). Together with 13 youths, he draws up a report on the state of affairs in matters of gender diversity and gender equality in the world today.
By Jan Martens With Isabel Braamkolk, Noor Caestecker, A. Claassen, Renée De Coninck, Luna Glowacki, Bente Govaerts, Noor Hollemeersch, Birgit Lesage, Marie Libens, Hannah Peiren, Celina Vercruysse, Yanou Van Dessel, Mirren Vandenberk Artistic Assistance Kimmy Ligtvoet Dramaturgy Peter Anthonissen Advice Rudi Meulemans Lighting Design Elke Verachter Production Management Teresa Wouters & Sylvie Svanberg International Distribution A Propic / Line Rousseau & Marion Gauvent
Co-production tanzhaus nrw & STUK
Conversation about «Passing The Bechdel Test»
Sunday, 10.05. | 21:30 | Festival Centre at PROGR courtyard