Luanda Casella (São Paulo / Gent)

Short of Lying

  • eine Frau trägt ein blaues Kleid
  • Eine Person steht im blauen Nebel
  • Eine Person steht im blauen Nebel

Language English, the show on the 10.05. will be translated into sign language
Duration 1h 15min

«Short of Lying» is a storytelling performance and a lecture on storytelling. More specifically, it’s a project about the relationships between the rhetorical strategies used by bullshitters (in communication media) and unreliable narrators (in literature). The piece is situated in the conflicting world of online publishing which since the 90’s has been appropriating narrative thinking and storytelling to serve the neoliberal logics.

Concept, Text, Performance Luanda Casella Dramaturgy Sébastien Hendrickx Coaching Tom Dupont Scenography Felix Fasolt Costume, Scenography Assistance Joy Vervaeke Soundtrack Pablo Casella Light Katrijn Roles


Grosse Halle Reitschule Saturday, 09.05. | 20:00


Tickets: 18.- / 25.- / 32.-
  • Rollstuhlgängig
Grosse Halle Reitschule Sunday, 10.05. | 20:00


Tickets: 18.- / 25.- / 32.-
  • Gebärdensprache
  • Rollstuhlgängig