Stefan Kaegi / Rimini Protokoll (Berlin) & Münchner Kammerspiele
Unheimliches Tal / Uncanny Valley
Language German
Duration 1h
With open discussion on the 15.05.
The external similarity to human beings makes the acceptance of humanoid robots easier. However, if the machine is too similar to a human, we begin to feel mistrust: what is human, what is machine? An animatronic double of the author Thomas Melle takes his place on stage and questions the perfection of the original and its copy.
Concept, Text, Direction Stefan Kaegi Text, Body, Voice Thomas Melle Dramaturgy Martin Valdés-Stauber Facilities Evi Bauer Animatronic Chiscreatures Filmeffects GmbH Production and Art Finish of the silicone Head, Coloration, Hair Tommy Opatz Video Design Mikko Gaestel Music Nicolas Neecke Production Management Rimini Protokoll, Touring Epona Hamdan Light Design, Touring Robert Läßig, Martin Schwemin, Lisa Eßwein Sound- und Video Design, Touring Jaromir Zezula, Nikolas Neecke
Co-production Berliner Festspiele – Immersion, donaufestival, Feodor Elutine, FOG Triennale Milano Performing Arts, Temporada Alta – Festival de Tador de Catalunya, SPRING Utrecht
Conversation about «Unheimliches Tal / Uncanny Valley»
Friday, 15.05. | 22:30 | Festival Centre at PROGR courtyard