itw : im dialog
Symposium: Spielwiesen des Globalen
The aim of “itw : im dialog” is to establish a transdisciplinary network for research and discussion focussing on the aesthetics, tendencies and topics of contemporary theatre. In collaboartion with the Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Theaterkultur SGTK and AUAWIRLEBEN the Department fo Theatre Studies of the Universtity of Berne organises the second symposium to open the dialogue between academia, art an the public. The current edtion is called “playing fields of the global” and focusses on the internationalisation and growing mobility of contemporary performing arts.
Please note: most presentations and discussions are in German!
MON 4.5.
Hallerstrasse 6, room 205
16:00–16:45 Opening and introduction
16:45–17:30 plenary speech by Barbara Gronau (Universität der Künste Berlin)
17:30 drinks
TUE 5.5.
Hallerstrasse 6, room 205
9:30–10:30 Doc. Café I to Some use for your broken claypots with Simone Niehoff (LMU München), Géraldine Boesch (ITW)
10:45–12:00 Vortrag & Kunst I: Global Players, Local Stages. With: Miriam Drewes (LMU München) and Martin Schick
14:00–15:15 Vortrag & Kunst II: The Global as a Topic: Friedemann Kreuder (JGU Mainz) and Christophe Meierhans
16:00–18:00 podium: Visionieren, Kuratieren, Kanonisieren. With: Barba- ra Gronau (UdK Berlin), Felizitas Kleine, Johanna-Yasirra Kluhs (Favoriten, Dort- mund), Giovanni Netzer (Origen, Riom), Myriam Prongué (Pro Helvetia). Moderation: Dagmar Walser (SRF)
WED 6.5.
Hallerstrasse 6, room 205
10:00–11:00 Doc Café II to Queer Sells with Anna Volkland (UdK Berlin), Hanna Voss (JGU Mainz)
11:15–12:30 Vortrag & Kunst III: Playing Field Festival: Ulf Otto (Univ. Hildesheim) and Max-Philip Aschenbrenner
12:30–12:45 summary: Beate Hochholdinger-Reiterer and Mathias Bremgartner (ITW)
The symposium is organised by Beate Hochholdinger-Reiterer, Mathias Bremgartner, Christina Kleiser, Géraldine Boesch (all ITW) and Paola Gilardi (SGTK).