She She Pop (Berlin)

50 Grades of Shame

Language German
The show on the 18.05. will be translated into sign language.
Duration 1h 30min

She She Pop and guests act as staff members of an academy focusing on the subjects of contractual relationships, loneliness, merging, death and transformation. The performer‘s own bodies serve as visual teaching aids. On two large panels onto which cross-fade images are projected, the different actors – old and young, children, women and men – are staged in a series of vexing encounters.


Concept She She Pop With Gundars Abolins, Sebastian Bark, Daniel Belasco Rogers, Knut Berger, Lilli Biedermann, Jean Chaize, Anna Drexler, Jonas Maria Droste, Johanna Freiburg, Fanni Halmburger, Walter Hess, Christian Löber, Lisa Lucassen, Fee Aviv Marschall, Mieke Matzke, Ilia Papatheodorou, Florian Schäfer, Susanne Scholl, Berit Stumpf, Zelal Yesilyurt Video Benjamin Krieg Stage Sandra Fox Costumes Lea Søvsø Music Santiago Blaum Artistic Assistance Ruschka Steininger Dramaturgy Tarun Kade Sounddesign Manuel Horstmann Lights Michael Lentner Technical Tourmanagement Florian Fischer, Sven Nichterlein Video Assistance Philipp Hohenwarter Production/PR ehrliche arbeit – freies Kulturbüro Tour Organisation Tina Ebert Administration Aminata Oelßner Company Manager Elke Weber

Production She She Pop, Münchner Kammerspiele
Coproduction HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Kampnagel Hamburg, FFT Düsseldorf, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt a. M., Kyoto Experiment 

Round Table 
Thursday, 18.05. | 22:00
Friday, 19.05. | 18:30

Dampfzentrale Turbinensaal Thursday, 18.05. | 20:00Tickets: 17.-/25.-/34.-
  • Gebärdensprache
  • induktive Höranlage
  • Rollstuhlgängig
Dampfzentrale Turbinensaal Friday, 19.05. | 19:00Tickets: 17.-/25.-/34.-
  • induktive Höranlage
  • Rollstuhlgängig