Ant Hampton & Christophe Meierhans (Brussels/Geneva/London)

The Thing – an Automatic Workshop

If the principle of direct action is «the defiant insistence on acting as if one is already free», (and if we accept an idea of freedom which relates to other people) can we imagine how that «free» version of ourselves would behave? During four four-hour episodes, an experience unfolds which continually works on two levels as a performance and as a workshop. 

Concept Ant Hampton & Christophe Meierhans Creative Producer Katja Timmerberg Translation Karen Witthuhn / Transfiction

Development by Das Theater Amsterdam Coproduction AUAWIRLEBEN Theaterfestival Bern, Kaaitheater Brüssel, Theater Rampe Stuttgart, West Kowloon Cultural Development Hong Kong, Theatre and Dance Department at Iceland Academy of the Arts Reykjavik, Zeitraumexit Mannheim; Techne - eine Produktionsplattform von Theater Rampe und Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, Over het IJ Festival Amsterdam

The episodes 1-4 are based on eachother and can only be visited in the correct order. Please book your tickets via, stating which episode you want to do when. Please note: each episode lasts approx. 4 hours. 

Episode 1

Treffpunkt Untermatt
Thursday, 04.05. | 18:00

Episode 2

Treffpunkt Untermatt
Friday, 05.05. | 18:00

Episode 3

Treffpunkt Untermatt
Saturday, 06.05. | 13:00

Episode 1

PROGR Atelier 313 Friday, 12.05. |
14:00 to 18:00

Episode 2

PROGR Atelier 313 Saturday, 13.05. |
13:00 to 17:00

Episode 4

PROGR Atelier 313 Saturday, 13.05. |
18:00 to 22:00

Episode 3

PROGR Atelier 313 Sunday, 14.05. |
13:00 to 17:00

Episode 1

PROGR Atelier 313 Sunday, 14.05. |
19:00 to 23:00

Episode 2

PROGR Atelier 313 Monday, 15.05. |
18:00 to 22:00

Episode 4

PROGR Atelier 313 Tuesday, 16.05. |
18:00 to 22:00

Episode 3

PROGR Atelier 313 Saturday, 20.05. |
13:00 to 17:00

Episode 4

PROGR Atelier 313 Sunday, 21.05. |
13:00 to 17:00