Christoph Frick / KLARA Theater (Basel / Santa Cruz)


  • Eine Frau steht im Vordergrund, drei Männer im Hintergrund
  • Vier Männer stehen
  • Drei Männer und eine Frau und ein Mann auf dem Boden
  • eine Frau und ein Mann boxen

Language German and Spanish with German surtitles
Duration 1h 40min
With open discussion on the 20.05.

The audience moves freely in the room.

Bolivia’s largest prison, Palmasola, is organised like an enclosed city with its own rules. It doesn’t provide cells, but the inmates have to rent, buy, build or possibly even fight for their own accommodation. The piece is based on research which the Swiss-Bolivian team made, visiting the prison several times and talking to inmates,staff and lawyers.

Direction & Stage Christoph Frick With Omar Callisaya Callisaya, Jorge Antonio Arias Cortez, Nicola Fritzen, Marioly Urzagaste Galarza Dramaturgie Carolin Hochleichter, Jhonnatan Torrez Casanoba Video David Campesino Music Bo Wiget and others Sound Susanne Affolter Production Manager Maxine Devaud / Maxinthewood Productions Light Adaptation Pablo Weber Fernández


Conversation about «Palmasola»


Wednesday, 20.05. | 22:15 | Festival Centre at PROGR courtyard

Dampfzentrale Turbinensaal Wednesday, 20.05. | 20:00


Tickets: 18.- / 25.- / 32.-
  • Übertitel
Dampfzentrale Turbinensaal Thursday, 21.05. | 19:00


Tickets: 18.- / 25.- / 32.-
  • Übertitel