aua comes your way

The 15th May

  • Ein Gedicht an einem Baum
  • Ein Gedicht an einem Baum
  • Ein Gedicht an einem Baum
  • Ein Gedicht an einem Baum
  • Ein Gedicht in einer Plastikhülle
  • Zoom-Meeting zu "Sustainability in the Performing Arts"
  • Zoom-Meeting zu "Sustainability in the Performing Arts"

The Strike for Future should have taken place in Switzerland on 15th May with demos and campaigns across the country. Unfortunately, these could not take place to protect everyone. Instead, the committee called on everyone to give a ‘climate alarm’ loudly warning of the climate crisis. We from the aua-team went to the window and made noise with everything that our office had to offer.

In line with this day, we organized a virtual exchange on the topic of Sustainability in the Performing Arts, to which we have invited the organizers and performing artists of Switzerland. In the Zoom meeting, there were various discussion groups on the topics of travel and transportation, materials, gastronomy, energy, advertising and financing. The talks were very lively; concrete tips & tricks were exchanged, individual grievances were disclosed and helpful tools and websites were shared. And it became clear that the topic of ecological sustainability is very important to many organizers and artists. That motivated us a lot, especially on that day when we would have been on the streets for the climate and raised our voice.

The artistic contribution by Begüm Erciyas, who would have come to Bern with her piece Voicing Pieces, was also about ones own voice. She sent a poem to our subscribers. Either for reading aloud, or for quiet reading in nature. Begüm was at the festival center in the evening and, with her stories about «Voicing Pieces«, made our subscribers even more curious about her project, which incidentally fits perfectly with the Corona period, because you experience it all by yourself.